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Saturday, May 27, 2023

"Bound By Bone" by E. D. Demel


"Bound By Bone" is the first book of 'The Boneyard Chronicles' in what looks to be a very promising new series.

"Beasts! Bones! Bounty Hunters!"?? Count me in! The book follows Eerie, an orphaned Bone-bound, on her quest for vengeance and defying an evil Enchantress.

Eerie lives in the Bonelands, a place the Bone-bounds, who drew magic from the bones, call home. At 25 years old, Eerie, an orphaned Bone-bound, has yet to discover her powers. While she gets along with most of her people, there is constant friction between her and a fellow hunter named Ryker, providing entertainment for their friends.

Her peaceful life is shaken when an attack of flying beasts and shadows on their village kills her grandmother and destroys their homes. Eerie, Ryker, and some other Bonebounds are forced to go on a quest to find and stop the evil Enchantress before she stops them. Eerie's journey will test her strength and courage to the fullest.

This is an enhancing tale of friendships, slow-burn romance, love, duty, loyalty, bravery, and hope. Eerie will meet new friends, new challenges, and even find love from an unexpected quarter. The story is filled with constant action, and I could not stop turning the pages to see what would happen next. The world building was nicely done, with a well-explained nature and clear rules for magic. I particularly loved how each Bonebound had their own unique ability.

I love the characters, I love the world, I love the magic. The main characters are very likable, with enough depth to make the reader invested in their fate. The reader quickly becomes wrapped up in their lives, weeping with them as some of their friends are killed.

Most loose ends are tied up nicely, leaving a few threads open for the next book to handle. My only complaint is the injection of the F-word into the story, which just doesn't seem to fit the world. There were also a few punctuation and grammar errors, so the book could use another round of editing. That being said, I enjoyed the story and can't wait to read the sequel. This book will enthrall anyone on a quest for a great adventure, good times, and thrilling battle scenes.

^ Trigger alerts: violence, death, attempted sexual assault (not explicitly described), child abuse (only mentioned in passing), gore, mourning, torture, and discrimination.

* I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book. All opinions are my own.

* For more info about the book: "Bound By Bone" by E. D. Demel

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