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Thursday, September 21, 2023

"The Weekend Away" by Miranda Smith


"The Weekend Away" by Miranda Smith is a touching psychological thriller that follows a young woman's search for closure.

Sienna's twin sister, Samantha, died a year ago in a freak accident. She was found dead after a fall from her balcony. Sienna is sure there is more to it than meets the eye, but no one listens to her. Her chance for answers comes when her sister's friend, Jackson, invites her to join him and Samantha's other friends, Colby, Matilda, Nessa, and Harper, on a memorial trip to the Smoky Mountains.

At first, she rejects the invitation, as she isn't really part of their group. After finding her sister's diary with tidbits about the so-called friends,
she decides to join the weekend trip in the hope of finding out more about the circumstances of her sister's death. She is sure the friends know more than they are telling and is determined to get to the root of it. In the process, she stirs up a hornet's nest and bites off more than she bargained for.

I loved the book and found it a good read. The book is written from
Sienna's first-person perspective and combines chapters in the third-person perspective of Troy, the cabin's owner, as well as excerpts from Samantha's diary. These elements enriched the tale and added layers of depth to the storytelling. I also like the way the secrets were slowly unfolded, adding to the suspense. I didn't guess who the culprit was - or if there even was one -  and the twist managed to surprise me.

The setting is beautifully constructed, and the story captures the feeling of the place. The revelations were steadily paced, keeping readers engaged. The author has seamlessly woven themes of fallible human nature. While I liked Sienna and rooted for her, it seemed at times she took unnecessary risks and made some silly choices in her desperate search for the truth.

I disliked most of the characters, except Troy and Sienna, and, while there wasn't much depth to them, it didn't significantly detract from my overall enjoyment of the story.  The focus remained on the suspenseful plot, which kept me engaged from start to finish. At first, the motives portrayed seemed not enough to cause havoc, but it all came together in the end. In conclusion, I greatly enjoyed the tale and highly recommend it.

* Thank you NetGalley and (publisher) for the opportunity to read this arc.  All opinions are my own.

* For more info about the book: "The Weekend Away" by Miranda Smith

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