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Friday, May 19, 2023

"The Flatmate" by Gemma Rogers











Wow, what a book!  "The Flatmate" by Gemma Rogers is an intense psychological thriller that will have you pouring over the pages from start to finish.

The book follows Ria, who is dealing with loss, grief, and mourning. After the suspicious death of her best friend Livvy at a work event, a death all are eager to move on from but Ria, she takes much-needed time off from work. After a five-month enforced sabbatical, she is more than ready to come back to work and the company apartment where she lives. To her great shock, she now has a flatmate, Amanda, a new co-worker who replaces Livvy at work. Amanda seems to have an impact on everything, even Ria's ex-boyfriend, Jayden. Despite Amanda's efforts to befriend her, Ria finds it hard to warm up to her.

The plot thickens when Ria starts receiving calls, photos, and gifts supposedly from Livvy. Ria believes one of her co-workers is responsible for these incidents and Livvy's death, and she doesn't know whom to trust. Her co-workers think she is losing her mind due to her obsession with Livvy's death and her wild accusations. Ria has to figure out who is behind everything and why they're doing it before things will take a deadly turn.

I loved the book and couldn't
put it down. While it may not be edge-of-your-seat suspense, the suspense is nicely maintained, and the pace builds and quickens toward the end of the book. While I guessed right away who was behind all the occurrences, although not the motive, I was still hooked.  I just had to keep reading to find out what happened and why.

The book is written in the first POV, alternating between Ria and Livvy. I loved the way the author interjected Livvy's perspective into the story. What holds the reader's attention are the mindsets  of the characters, their interactions, and the unraveling of the plot. The main characters were very well-developed, and their thoughts and intentions were realistic and complex. With an intricate plot, interesting characters, and an easy-to-read  narrative, "The Flatmate" is one great book! I highly recommend this book to fans of psychological thrillers with a bite!

* Thank you NetGalley and (publisher) for the opportunity to read this arc.  All opinions are my own.

* For more info about the book: "The Flatmate" by Gemma Rogers

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