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Friday, March 22, 2024

"Long Weekend" by S.M. Thomas


I love the vacation-gone-wrong trope, so I eagerly picked up this book after reading the premise. "Long Weekend" by S.M. Thomas is an atmospheric thriller where the reader is left in the dark, just as much as the narrator.

The book follows Emma Jones' first-hand account of her long weekend stay at a super-exclusive resort set on a small private island. Emma is the right-hand assistant of the wealthy (and cheap) Rebecca March. When she asks for a raise, Rebecca refuses and offers her instead to take her place at the exclusive event opening of Hotel Horizen. Emma accepts and plans to write an expose on the wasted decadence of the rich and famous to kick off her writing career. Arriving at the private plane waiting for her and the other travelers, she meets the five other guests. Meet:

* Fiona Appleton - who manages her family's money printing press.
* Robert Castro - a famous actor who comes from a long line of famous actors.
* Lucas Jones - a millionaire influencer with an agenda.
* Michael Samson - a corrupt ex-politician.
* Penny Atwell - the world's most successful television host.

At the resort, Emma meets the manager, Stephen, and his assistant, Sam. They aren't pleased to see her in place of her boss, but they allow her to stay nonetheless. 
And then, the killing begins... The guests are targeted by a mysterious foe, and none is safe.  

That's all I'm going to say about the plot to avoid spoilers. I enjoyed the tale and the "And Then There Were None" vibes. I didn't figure out who was behind it, and I enjoyed the reveal at the end. I also appreciated the setting and the tense atmosphere. The book definitely generated the needed atmosphere to carry off such a tale. The tension was palpable, and I felt I was right there alongside the characters running back and front like a rabbit from one place to another.

Although none of the characters were likable, to say the least, I didn't feel they deserved their fate. Emma was fickle; she kept changing her mind and her heart, and was too naive and quick to judge, making the wrong choices. Still, I rooted for her. My only issue is with the ending. It felt forced and rushed, and I didn't care for it, to boot. Although everything was explained at the end, I would have liked a tighter ending. In addition, I am tired of individuals escaping consequences for actions that should not go unpunished as was the case here.

Overall, it is a great plot with realistic characterization and entertainment value. The plot moves at a fast pace and is combined with a writing style that provides vivid mental pictures of the characters and settings without being overly tedious. I enjoyed the book and rate it 4 out of 5 stars due to the issues I mentioned above. I recommend the book to those who enjoy intense reads and aren't bothered by detestable characters and violence. 

* Thank you NetGalley and (publisher) for the opportunity to read this arc.  All opinions are my own.

* For more info about the book: "Long Weekend" by S.M. Thomas

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