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Saturday, April 6, 2024

"If Something Happens to Me" by Alex Finlay


I'd always intended to delve into Alex Finlay's books, yet somehow never found the opportunity. So, when his new book came out, I eagerly seized the chance. "If Something Happens to Me" by Alex Finlay is an exhilarating thriller brimming with action and suspense.

The narrative unfolds in third-person format, weaving between three subplots, each following different protagonists. It kicks off with a gripping incident: the abduction of a girl named Ali in Kansas from her car, her fate shrouded in uncertainty. Her boyfriend, Ryan, finds himself under suspicion, despite never facing arrest. The shadow of doubt forces him to change his last name and relocate.

Fast forward five years, Ryan is now in law school, striving to leave the past behind. While vacationing in Italy with his peers, a call from his father shatters his peace: Ali's car has been discovered submerged in a lake, with two bodies inside. The plot thickens when Ryan receives a cryptic message: "I need to see you. I know who you are."

Moving from Ryan's story, we meet Poppy, a deputy sheriff in Kansas, compelled to return to her hometown to care for her ailing father. Upon the discovery of Ali's car, she begins digging, uncovering more than she bargained for. The final story line introduces Shane O’Leary, a Philadelphia mobster, and his bullied thirteen-year-old son.

I enjoyed the story very much. There was never a lull in the story, and it hit with dramatic detail, fast and furious. The tale alternates between those three storylines, which start separately and then overlap in interesting and surprising ways. Each chapter switches perspectives to follow different storylines, skillfully advancing their narratives. Initially, I pondered the connection between these storylines, but clarity emerged as the tales unfolded.

The narrative delves into themes of love, family, grief, friendship, revenge, and bullying. With a brisk pace and numerous twists—some anticipated once the story lines converged—the book proves difficult to set aside. I appreciated the nuanced portrayal of characters, where even the antagonists are not portrayed as strictly black and white.

Finlay's writing flows smoothly, crafted with finesse. The plot's twists and turns keep readers engaged and eager for more. His descriptive style vividly paints scenes without overwhelming the reader. As evident, I thoroughly enjoyed this book and intend to explore more of Finlay's work. It's an enjoyable read, likely to captivate a wide audience. I rate it five out of five stars and recommend it to fans of a fast-paced story with action-packed adventure.

* Thank you NetGalley and (publisher) for the opportunity to read this arc.  All opinions are my own. 

* For more info about the book: "If Something Happens to Me" by Alex Finlay

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