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Monday, August 12, 2024

"A Harvest of Hearts" by Andrea Eames


"A Harvest of Hearts" by Andrea Eames is a riveting fantasy adventure that follows the story of Foss Butcher, narrated from her point of view in the first person. The book's description is a bit misleading; it isn’t a cozy fantasy but rather a dark fairy tale/fantasy, more akin to Uprooted by Naomi Novik than Howl’s Moving Castle. Despite this, it was a fantastic adventure, and I loved it! The author weaves together an excellent, unique book that hooked me from beginning to end.

Foss Butcher is the butcher's daughter and is quite unpopular in her village. Her mother died giving birth to her, leading the villagers to deem her cursed. Her plain looks (as she describes them) keep suitors away, much to her heartbreak. Every now and then, sorcerers arrive in her village and snag hearts - partly or whole - using them to enhance their abilities and protect the kingdom, or so the tales go.

A good book needs two key ingredients: a compelling story and skilled writing. This book has both. I enjoyed it immensely and couldn’t stop reading. The pace is slow at times, but this was necessary to set up the plot and introduce the history and magic system of the world. The world-building is impeccable and intriguing, immersing the reader and keeping the tale exciting and believable. We meet characters living in a detailed, feudal society and are thrust into the land’s web of politics and social issues.

The book starts with a little quirkiness but then takes a dark turn. The heroine's dry humor and strong personality come across loud and clear, making it easy to like her and root for her. Contrary to other opinions, I didn’t find her irritating at all, and my heart went out to her. Foss’s character may be more developed than Sylvester's, but I was invested in both of their struggles. I loved the development of their relationship, their interactions, and the slow-burn romance.

My favorite character was the cat! It’s often said that children and animals steal the show, and that was certainly the case here. Go, Cornelius! I also loved the bond between Foss and her father and the way she cared for her village, despite their bad treatment of her. She chose to let bygones be bygones, which only made her more endearing. Some of Foss’s choices made me pull my hair out, but they did propel the plot.

I found the writing engaging in most parts, and the plot was compelling enough to earn full stars. The themes of friendship, family, love, attachment, and self-image issues are skillfully interwoven into this dark tale. The excitement builds, especially in the second half, culminating in a more-than-satisfying ending. I loved the book and highly recommend it to fans of dark fairy tales and cleverly imagined, unique plots.

* Thank you NetGalley and (publisher) for the opportunity to read this arc.  All opinions are my own.

* For more info about the book: "A Harvest of Hearts" by Andrea Eames

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