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Sunday, March 19, 2023

"The Birthday Reunion" by Claire Seeber


The Birthday Reunion" by Claire Seeber is an intriguing psychological thriller that will play with your head. The book is told from different perspectives and follows four women: Simone, Hannah, Vicky, and Judie. They were once good friends until Judie's betrayal drove a wedge between them. Fast forward 20 years later, when out of the blue, they receive invitations in the mail to celebrate Judie's birthday in a lavish Mediterranean villa. Who can resist? Although Hannah tries to dissuade them from going, they all accept the invitation for their own reasons. However, things don't turn out as expected, starting with a creepy old villa, continuing with a surprised Judie denying she invited them, and finishing with odd goings-on. Things gradually escalate out of control. Murder is afoot, and someone isn’t playing by the rules. Good plotting, judiciously dropped clues, and twists a plenty make this a thrill ride.

The story is written in the first-person perspective and alternates between the present and the past, providing detailed backstories of the main protagonists. Each chapter is clearly labeled with the location, timeline, and characters' names to help the reader keep track of the story and differentiate between the speakers. I liked the writing, the dynamics between the characters, and the gradual way the key points were revealed.

The book has a slow pace and may not be the edge-of-your-seat suspense that some readers expect. However, once you get past the slow start, the tension builds steadily, leading to a final showdown and a satisfying ending. Overall, I enjoyed the story and recommend it, but don't expect a fast-paced thriller. Just allow the story to develop slowly and creep up on you, and it will be worth the wait.

For more info about the book: The Birthday Reunion

* Thank you NetGalley and (publisher) for the opportunity to read this arc. All opinions are my own.

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