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Sunday, March 19, 2023

"The Birthday Girl" by Sarah Ward


"The Birthday Girl" by Sarah Ward is the first installment in a series revolving around former Met detective Mallory Dawson and set on the fictional Welsh island of Eldey.
There's nothing I like more than a good locked room mystery, and this one fits the bill perfectly with its gothic atmosphere, isolated island, and serial killer on the loose.

Mallory Dawson accepts a job on Eldey to manage the Cloister Hotel, a former convent with a dark past. Little does she know what is on the cards for her. One of the guests is the infamous Birthday Girl, a serial killer who poisoned four of her mates at her 11th birthday party. As the weather worsens and the bodies accumulate, it is up to Mallory to figure out who the murderer is among the women guests.

The story is penned in the third-person point of view and shifts between points of view. What I loved most about this book is its faithful homage to Agatha Christie, the writing, and the way the author skillfully weaves the plot.

It is the first book by the author that I've read, and I immediately became a fan. It is a well-written, cleverly plotted tale that keeps you guessing until the end, and there are red herrings aplenty to keep the pages turning. The author does an excellent job of pulling you into the story and investing you in the characters. I loved the book and can't wait to read the second book in the series when it comes out. Highly recommended!!!

For more info about the book: The Birthday Girl

* Thank you NetGalley and (publisher) for the opportunity to read this arc. All opinions are my own.

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