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Thursday, July 13, 2023

"The Inheritance" by Samantha Hayes


"The Inheritance" by Samantha Hayes is a domestic suspense novel about family ties, shared grief, secrets, and lies.

The story revolves around the Hunter family. After the death of Ray, the head of the family, his wife Connie invites their three daughters and their families to their Lochside retreat. Ray forced her hand with his will, so she needs to tell them the secret she hid for a couple of decades, a secret that may tear the family apart. She is not the only one with secrets, however. It is the first full family gathering after the death of the father, and emotions run high. The family holiday slowly turned into horror as secret after secret is revealed, unraveling the cracks in the family in the process. And just when you think you know what is going to happen, the author flips everything upside down.

I was delighted to read this book when I first read the blurb. Unfortunately, I had a difficult time getting into the story due to the slow pace and excessive self-reflection.
It is more of a family drama rather than a thriller, although there are a few intense moments.

On the positive side, I liked that the characters' thoughts are shown throughout the book. It added depth to the tale. The story is divided into three sections and alternates between flashbacks and different points of view, which I liked. I also appreciated the family dynamics and how the author used flashbacks to fill in the history of the main characters. Although I suspect a couple of the secrets, there were a few that managed to surprise me.

In regard to the writing style, the pacing was incredibly slow. In fact, the plot only starts to accelerate in the last third of the story. The book focuses on the characters and their inner thoughts and emotions rather than the plot, and the story is conveyed through the thoughts of the characters. In itself, it is a good thing. However, it was overly done, sometimes to an unnecessary extent, and after a while, it became exhausting and the plot felt drawn. While the reflections added a great deal to the overall story, the verbosity made my mind wander off at times.

The last part of the book was its 
saving grace and the reason I decided to rate the book 2.5 out of 5 stars. Everything flowed better in that part. From that point, the plot moved full steam ahead, and I couldn't put the book down until I reached the end. Speaking about the ending, it felt a bit abrupt and left a few loose threads. I recommend the book to those who don't mind slow-burn books, enjoy self-analysis and multiple POVs, and prefer their characters flawed.

* Triggers: loss, rape, death.

* Thank you NetGalley and (publisher) for the opportunity to read this arc.  All opinions are my own.

* For more info about the book: The Inheritance

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