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Monday, July 1, 2024

"The Crescent Moon Tearoom" by Stacy Sivinski


"The Crescent Moon Tearoom" by Stacy Sivinski is a sweet, cozy fantasy following the triplets Anne, Beatrix, and Violet Quigley as they strive to stay together and challenge fate after the death of their parents.

The Quigley sisters are seers who live in a sentient house and run a tea shop. They also have a cool cat who can travel through time. Besides serving enchanted tea, they read their customers' fortunes via tea leaves. They can see anyone's future but their own. Their tranquil lives are disrupted when the Council of Witches demands that they reveal the tasks of three old witches or lose their shop. All witches have a task to complete before their death, or dire consequences will ensue.

Each sister has her own talent and personality. Anne is the most stable and powerful of the three, Violet is a creature of action, and Beatrix is the dreamy one. The plot thickens when the sisters discover there is a curse designed to separate them. They find themselves being pulled in different directions and have to find a way to stay together without losing their dreams if they can.

Overall, I enjoyed the book, but it was quite slow to start and took me a while to get into the meat of the story. Once I got in, I couldn't stop reading. I loved the premise and the idea of an enchanted tea shop and a sentient house. A house that cleans itself and does the dishes?? I want one too! And drinking tea while getting a reading is the perfect combination. I loved the writing and could envision the setting. I also loved the heading of each chapter and the descriptions beneath it, portending what is to come.

The book explores themes of sisterhood, self-discovery, fate, destiny, choices, and magic. The message that sometimes to stay close you have to let go came loud and clear. I loved the bond between the sisters, although they irritated me at times. They wanted to stay together, yet let their secrets (each has one) pull them apart. Besides Anne, the others didn't do much to overcome the curse. I did love how each found their own path, though.

The author writes the scenery and atmosphere of the Tearoom so well that you’ll be able to smell the mouth-watering scones and cakes and almost taste the flavors of tea. It certainly gave me the desire for a good cup of tea, preferably with my fortune told. If you're looking for a feel-good read that leaves you warm inside, this is your cup of tea (pun intended). This novel has great characters you can deeply connect with and care about, a great premise, and sweeping writing.

* Thank you NetGalley and (publisher) for the opportunity to read this arc.  All opinions are my own.

* For more info about the book: "The Crescent Moon Tearoom" by Stacy Sivinski

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