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Thursday, August 1, 2024

"Now You Are Mine" by Amanda Brittany


"Now You Are Mine" by Amanda Brittany is an engaging psychological thriller written from multiple perspectives and in dual timelines, alternating between third and first person. This is just the kind of book I enjoy, so I happily dived in.

The book starts with a bang, featuring murders, and then jumps forward 26 years. The story follows Polly, a young woman who escaped a stalker only to walk out of the frying pan into the fire. She attends an art retreat in the Lake District to decompress from her ordeal and to learn more about her birth family who used to live there, and finds more than she can handle.

The Lakeside House has a horrid history; its previous owners supposedly took their own lives there, but no bodies were ever found. Pretty soon, Polly finds that her troubles have followed her. The new owners are receiving disturbing threats, someone is sabotaging her artwork, and the place has a creepy undercurrent. The plot takes a sinister turn when disturbing incidents keep occurring, one of the guests goes missing, and the worsening weather conditions trap them there.

I loved the book, and the plot kept me guessing right up until the end. The story moves at a good pace with plenty of twists and turns to build suspense. While I suspected one twist, the others caught me by surprise. I liked Polly, was anxious about what happened to her, and rooted for her.

Moving between past and present, what unfolds is a tale of abuse, control, environmental concerns, fallible human nature, and love. The writing is taut and suspenseful, and the author expertly builds tension and atmosphere throughout the book. The characters are well-drawn, each with their own distinct personality.

The author has crafted an engrossing mystery that keeps you interested from beginning to end. I liked the writing and the way the story unfolded before my very eyes. The author doesn't give us all the information at once. Bit by bit, she uncovers more pieces from the past and connects the dots.

To sum up, I enjoyed the book very much and found it original and intriguing. It kept me excited and interested throughout the novel. It was well-written, with good, interesting characters, a compelling premise, and suspense. If you enjoy stories with complex plots and vacations gone awry, this is the book for you.

* Thank you NetGalley and (publisher) for the opportunity to read this arc.  All opinions are my own.

* For more info about the book: "Now You Are Mine" by Amanda Brittany

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